You know, I’ve been thinking a lot this week, about just how much I’ve been affected by the past two years. Have you?
Business aside, because we all know what a shit show it’s been for us all financially. I’m talking about the rest of life, and more importantly, friendships, health, etc.
I’ve really noticed how my physical and mental health had deteriorated since March 2020. Long periods of sitting down during lockdown weren’t good for my body or mind.
I stopped seeing friends and family and clients had taken the place of my social life. We’ve all looked at our ringing phone and thought ‘Oh, I’ll text them later’. I felt boring, as though I had nothing interesting or funny to say, because I hadn’t been anywhere.
Anyway! I’ve had a word with myself and I’m almost back on track. I’m going to plan something to look forward to, and make an effort to see friends and just do more and get out more.
Work and business are great again, but to all you youngsters, please don’t let it take over your life. I’ve been there.
Work smarter, not harder. Earn more money in a shorter space of time. Ditch the treatments that aren’t making you money.
Have two set days off a week. Days where you totally switch off from work. If your clients don’t like it….get rid of them. You don’t need toxic or entitled people in your aura. Try hard not to do anything work related in the evenings and on a Sunday. Family come first.
Clients and people treat you how you allow them to treat you. My clients are the best and they never ever comment if I take a while to get back to them. I love them all! If I get a new client that dares to send ??? because I haven’t replied as quickly as they’d like, then I’m permanently fully booked for them. Cheek of it!
If you’re working all the hours God sends and you’re spending all your spare time cleaning, then something is wrong. Why? If you’re working long hours, then you should be earning enough to get a cleaner. If you’re working long hours and not earning enough for that, then give it up. Seriously! Being a beauty therapist isn’t ‘playing shops’. You’re supposed to be earning a good living.
Jeez, I do go on! I only came on to say a few words.
I really hope that things are looking good for you all.
Kim xxx